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ikona Vzdelávanie

Student oriented

Educational activities carried out at UCM are long-term, systematic, sophisticated, and effective, with a focus on the scientific and professional sphere and social practice. Educational activities at UCM are based on clear principles of quality assurance in the field of education.

The principles of quality assurance in education are grouped into areas:

  1. Students, employers, and other relevant stakeholders are involved in the creation, modification, and approval of the SP.
  2. Evaluation and approval of the study programme are transparent, fair, professionally based, objective, and independent. Conflicts of interest and possible bias are avoided.
  3. Curriculum compliance with the SAAVS standards for the programme of study is ongoing.
  4. The content and level of the qualification meet the sector-specific expectations of employers and other external stakeholders. The study programmes preparing for the regulated profession are in accordance with the European guidelines for education in the regulated profession.
  5. Study programmes enable the achievement of the learning objectives and learning outcomes set out in the graduate profile.
  6. The study programmes have a clearly specified and communicated qualification, which is acquired through successful completion of the programme, the level of which corresponds to the requirements of the relevant level of the qualification framework.
  7. Study programmes have a clearly specified graduate profile and clearly defined and communicated learning objectives and learning outcomes that are verifiable, relevant to the mission of UCM, the relevant level of the qualification framework, and the field of knowledge according to the relevant field of study or combination of fields of study in which their graduates will obtain higher education.
  8. The link between learning and creative activities is clear, with the level and focus of creative activity appropriate to the level of higher education and the learning outcomes,
  9. The study programme provides students with transferable competencies that influence students' personal development and can be used in their future careers and lives as active citizens in democratic societies.
  10. The creation, modification, and approval of joint degree programmes with universities abroad follow the European Quality Assurance Approach for Joint Degree Programmes.
  11. Programmes of study shall be created, implemented, and modified only in fields of study and degrees in accordance with the rights granted. In the case of regulated medical study programmes, they also shall be in accordance with Government Regulation No 296/2010 Coll.
  12. The content of the study programmes is demonstrated to be consistent with the description of the field of study at the relevant degree level.
  13. Programmes of study assigned to the relevant field of study/disciplines and degree are in accordance with the standards for the programme of study.

  1. Students' active role, autonomy, and independence in education and learning are encouraged and reflected in student assessment.
  2. The diversity of students and their needs is respected. The flexibility of trajectories in studies and the possibility of reconciling work/family life with studies is facilitated. The spectrum of pedagogical methods, forms and concepts, and assessment methods are used flexibly.
  3. The appropriateness and effectiveness of the pedagogical methods, forms, and approaches used and the methods of evaluation are regularly evaluated and improved.
  4. Students are provided with appropriate guidance and support from teachers.
  5. Mutual respect in the student-teacher relationship is promoted.
  6. Examiners are thoroughly familiar with the existing methods of verification of the achievement of learning outcomes, methods of testing, examination, and assessment of student performance, they have the support of UCM to further improve their knowledge and skills in this area of methods of verification of the achievement of learning outcomes, methods of testing, examination and assessment of student performance.
  7. The criteria, methods, and deadlines for assessment and grading are known in advance and easily accessible to students.
  8. Assessment enables students to demonstrate the extent and level to which they have achieved the expected learning outcomes.
  9. Feedback is provided to students.
  10. Students´ assessment is linked, where necessary, to recommendations and guidelines on the learning process, also it is consistent and fairly applied to all students, carried out in accordance with pre-approved procedures, and produces reliable conclusions that do not lead to unjustified differences in similar cases.
  11. The assessment provides feedback to students on the range and level of learning outcomes achieved and the assessment takes appropriate account of the circumstances of students with specific needs.
  12. Where circumstances permit, student assessment is carried out by more than one assessor and students have a means of redress against the results of the assessment, with fair treatment of those seeking redress.

  1. The rules for all phases of the student's study cycle, in particular for admission, progress, assessment, recognition, graduation, awarding of degrees, the issue of diplomas, and other evidence of qualifications, shall be consistent, established, applied, published, and easily accessible.
  2. The offer for applicants is published in advance and provides objective and complete information on study programmes, admission requirements and criteria, and other study conditions.
  3. The admission procedure is fair, transparent, and reliable and the selection of applicants is based on appropriate methods of assessing their suitability for study.
  4. The admission procedure is inclusive and equal opportunities are guaranteed to every applicant who demonstrates the necessary prerequisites for graduation.
  5. Opportunities to study at UCM for students with specific needs (within the meaning of Section 100 of the Higher Education Act) and students from disadvantaged backgrounds are balanced by the provision of support measures and the creation of a levelling environment.
  6. The qualitative level of the defended final and rigorous theses corresponds to their degree and requires an appropriate level of creative activities. Plagiarism and other academic fraud are detected effectively and sanctioned in a principled manner.
  7. Recognition of higher education qualifications, periods and parts of studies, and prior learning, including non-formal and informal learning, shall be transparent, consistent, and reliable and shall be in accordance with the generally binding rules and principles of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region (Lisbon 1997) to promote student mobility.
  8. Graduates are awarded the relevant academic degree, diploma, and other evidence of education that states and characterises the qualification obtained, including the learning outcomes achieved, context, level, and content of the successfully completed studies.

  1. The selection of university teachers is transparent, objective, and professionally based, carried out on the basis of previously known requirements and criteria, in accordance with the mission and long-term goal of UCM, and with generally binding regulations. It is open and allows for inter-institutional, inter-sectoral, and international mobility of teachers.
  2. UCM systematically ensures that it has teachers to provide study programmes whose qualifications, and level of creative activities enable the achievement of learning outcomes, practical experience, and transferable competencies enable the achievement of learning outcomes. pedagogical skills enable the achievement of learning outcomes.
  3. UCM systematically ensures that the distribution of the workload of teachers and their working capacity allows for the provision of study programmes and corresponds to the number of students.
  4. The link between learning and teachers' creative activities is being strengthened, with the focus and level of outcomes of creative activities matching the level of the qualification framework at which the learning is delivered and matching the learning outcomes,
  5. Teachers develop their professional, linguistic, pedagogical, digital skills, and transferable competencies.
  6. The assignment of teachers to provide curricula and educational activities, teach individual courses of study, and supervise final and rigorous theses is transparent and guarantees a level of qualification, competence, practical experience, focus, and results of creative activities that correspond to the level and outcomes of education.
  7. The professional qualification of the teachers providing the study programme is higher than the qualification achieved by completing the study programme. (This requirement may be waived in justified cases.)
  8. The workload distribution of university teachers enables the provision and development of the quality of study programmes, the provision of teaching and other related educational activities, the provision of student assessment, the management and evaluation of final theses, participation in creative activities and other activities related to their professional development and the fulfilment of the UCM mission in the scope and proportions that correspond to the pool of working time in relation to the size of their working time and the nature of the position they hold.
  9. Profile study subjects are normally provided by university teachers in the position of professor or associate professor, who work at UCM for a fixed work schedule. (Course provision means to be responsible for the course, to conduct lectures and other core learning activities of profile courses, and to be responsible for quality assurance activities in the course and the development of the course so that the required learning outcomes of the study programme are achieved.) In study programmes with an orientation towards professional education, profile study subjects are also provided by university teachers who are experienced professionals from the relevant sector of the economy or social practice and who work at UCM on a full-time or part-time basis.

  1. Adequate financial resources are allocated to the comprehensive provision of curricula and related creative, support, and other activities consistent with its mission.
  2. The spatial, material, technical, infrastructural, and institutional provision of educational, creative, and other related activities are appropriate to the learning outcomes, the number of students, and their specific needs.
  3. The contractual partnerships required to achieve the learning outcomes are operational.
  4. Access to information resources, library collections, and services is appropriate to the learning outcomes and the focus of creative activities, as the number of students, and is easy.
  5. Students have easy access to counselling and other support services and administrative resources that meet their diverse needs and are a prerequisite for their progress in their studies and their personal and career development.
  6. Tutoring, counselling, administrative and other support services, and related activities for students are provided by qualified support personnel whose capacity is appropriate to the number of students and their diverse needs.
  7. Students have adequate social security and sports, cultural, spiritual, and social activities during their studies.
  8. All resources are also provided for divisions outside the UCM headquarters where study programmes or educational activities are carried out.
  9. The use of all resources is efficient and effective.
  10. Resources are accessible to students and students are made aware of their accessibility

  1. Information used in the effective strategic, tactical, and operational management of the implementation and development of study programmes, creative activities and other related activities of UCM is systematically collected, processed, analysed, and evaluated.
  2. Sets of indicators are set and systematically monitored.
  3. All stakeholders are involved in the collection and processing of information.
  4. Clear, accurate, adequate, and up-to-date quantitative and qualitative information on study programmes and other related activities following UCM's mission is published, which is relevant to prospective students, students, employees, employers, and other external stakeholders and the general public.
  5. Up-to-date information on the implementation and functioning of the VSK UCM, the results achieved, and the measures taken are published.
  6. Information on study programmes is published in all the languages of delivery.
  7. The published information is easily accessible, including for people with disabilities

  1. Study programmes are continuously monitored, periodically evaluated, and periodically approved, while employers, students, and other stakeholders are involved in the VSK UCM.
  2. UCM ensures that the delivery of study programmes, student assessment, and learning outcomes are in line with current knowledge, technological capabilities, the needs of society, the needs of students, and the expectations of employers and other external stakeholders, and UCM creates a supportive and effective learning environment for students. (In study programmes preparing for the regulated profession in accordance with the relevant European guidelines for education in the regulated profession.)
  3. UCM ensures that it has sufficient spatial, personnel, material, technical, infrastructural, informational, and financial resources to carry out its study programmes and other related activities.
  4. At least once a year, students have the opportunity to comment on the quality of study programmes, the quality of teachers, the quality of support services, and the quality of the UCM environment.
  5. Curriculum adjustments are the result of ongoing monitoring and periodic evaluation and are designed with the participation of students, employers, and other stakeholders.
  6. Study programmes are periodically approved in a period corresponding to their standard length of study.

UCM undergoes regular external quality assurance assessments to ensure that VSK UCM is developed and implemented in accordance with the standards for the SAAVS internal system.

Policies of the VSK UCM ensuring the quality and development of education at UCM have an institutional-wide scope. They are based on international and national standards, in particular the European Standards for Higher Education ESG 2015, the Higher Education Act and subsequent regulations, the Quality Act and subsequent regulations, and the SAAVS standards for the internal system and the curriculum. They are in line with UCM's mission, UCM's long-term plan, and other strategic and conceptual documents of UCM. In justified cases, institution-wide internal regulations are followed by the internal regulations of UCM divisions, especially when defining criteria according to the customs and specificities of the SO based on institution-wide indicators or the specificities of individual UCM divisions.

  1. SAAVS Standards for the Study Programme
  2. Directive on the Creation, Modification, and Approval of Study Programmes, Fields of the Habilitation Proceedings and the Inauguration Proceedings, and the Submission of Applications to the SAAVS
  3. Methodological Guideline for Periodic Evaluation of Study Programmes at UCM
  4. UCM Admission Procedure
  5. Study Regulations
  6. Directive on the Rigorous Examination Procedure
  7. UCM Scholarship Regulations
  8. Directive on Doctoral Studies at UCM
  9. Directive on the Basic Requirements of Theses, Qualification Theses, Control of Their Originality, Storage, and Accessibility at UCM
  10. Directive to Ensure a Generally Accessible Academic Environment for Students with Specific Needs at UCM
  11. UCM Plagiarism Directive
  12. Statute of the Research Support Fund at UCM
  13. other internal regulations of UCM with institution-wide scope in the field of education, in particular: Rector's Directive for the Designation of the Person with the Main Responsibility for the Quality and Development of SP and OHIK and for the Creation of Groups of Persons Providing Profile Subjects of SP and Quality and Development of OHIK at UCM, UCM Students' Code of Ethics, Disciplinary Regulations for UCM Students, Directive on Tuition Fees and Fees Associated with Studies, Directive on Distance Learning, Directive on the Administration of the Erasmus+ Programme, Application for Contribution to Students' Sports and Cultural Activities, Directive on the Use of the Academic Information System (AIS), Directive on the Recognition of Completed Courses, Directive on the Recognition of Documents of Education at UCM, Directive on the Issuance of Documents of Graduation from Studies at UCM, Directive on the Student Research Force, Directive Governing the Process of Administration of International Students at UCM, Accommodation Regulations of the UCM Student House, Directive on Educational Support and Welfare of UCM Students Who Are in Need

The structures of the VSK UCM ensuring the quality and development of education at UCM are part of the integrated system of the VSK UCM. The powers, authority, and responsibilities of the relevant structures, including senior employees, other employees, and other stakeholders in the field of the implementation and evaluation of education at UCM are defined in the relevant internal regulations (in particular statutes, rules of procedure, organisational rules and structures, charters, directives, and procedures). The structures of the VSK UCM ensuring the quality and development of education at UCM form a three-level system in both vertical and horizontal planes.

Vertical-level structures in the field of education primarily ensure the execution of policies and the implementation of relevant educational activities.

  1. The UCM Rectorate is an institution-wide structure. It consists of the UCM management (Rector, Bursar, Vice-Rectors) and the relevant departments of the Rectorate structured in the Rector's Departments and the Bursar's Departments following the valid Organizational Structure of the Rectorate. Under the Higher Education Act, the Act on Quality Assurance, the SAAVS Standards for Internal Quality System, the UCM Statute, and the Statute of the RVHK UCM, the person responsible for policies, structures, and processes in the field of quality assurance of higher education at UCM is the Rector. His/her powers, responsibilities, and competencies in the field of quality assurance of higher education at UCM are defined in the UCM Statute, the Statute of the RVHK, the Rules of Procedure of the RVHK, and the Directive on the Creation, Modification and Approval of Study Programmes, Fields of the Habilitation Proceedings and the Inauguration Proceedings and the Submission of Applications to the SAAVS

The field of education at UCM is primarily concentrated in the department of the Vice-Rector for Education and the Organizational Regulations of UCM in the Department of Academic Activities and Study Department  of UCM, in accordance with UCM Statute. Continuous monitoring and periodic evaluation of the quality of educational activities are part of the agenda of the Vice-Rector for Quality and the UCM Quality Department. Continuous monitoring and periodic evaluation of the creative activity of students, particularly in the 3rd cycle of studies, is part of the agenda of the Vice-Rector for Science and Research and the UCM Science and Research Department.

The administrative, self-governing, academic, and advisory bodies of UCM with university-wide competence in the field of quality of education at UCM according to the powers, responsibilities, and competencies defined by internal regulations are in particular:

The competence, powers, competencies, and responsibilities of the Bursar and other UCM employees in the field of quality assurance of higher education at UCM are regulated by the Higher Education Act, the UCM Statute, and other internal regulations.

  1. The division of UCM (faculty/institute) is a lower-level structure. In the field of education, the person responsible for the quality of education is the dean/director. His/her powers, responsibilities, and competencies in the field of quality assurance of higher education at the UCM division are defined by the UCM Statute, the UCM Division Statute, and the Directive on the Creation, Modification, and Approval of Study Programmes, Fields of the Habilitation Proceedings and the Inauguration Proceedings and he Submission of Applications to the SAAVS.

The field of education at UCM is usually concentrated primarily in the department of the Vice-Dean for Education and the study department in accordance with the UCM Organizational Regulations. If necessary, the education area at the UCM division is divided among several persons responsible for education (Vice-Dean for full-time studies, Vice-Dean for educational activities, Vice-Dean for further education, etc.). Continuous monitoring and periodic evaluation of the quality of educational activities at the UCM division is part of the agenda of the Vice-Dean for Quality and the Quality Department, or the person responsible for the quality agenda at the UCM division. Continuous monitoring and periodic evaluation of the creative activity of students, particularly in the 3rd cycle of studies, is part of the agenda of the Vice-Dean for Science and the Science Department, or the person responsible for the science agenda at the UCM division.

The following are the self-governing, academic, and advisory bodies of UCM with competence at the level of the UCM division in the field of education according to the powers, responsibilities, and competencies defined by the internal regulations:

  • Academic Senate of the Faculty,
  • Scientific Board of the Faculty,
  • Dean's Board/Director's Board,
  • other advisory bodies and committees of the Dean/Director.

The competence, powers, competencies, and responsibilities of the Secretary of the UCM division and other UCM employees in the field of quality assurance of higher education at UCM are regulated by the internal regulations of UCM.

The relevant agenda of the institutes as university-wide divisions of UCM is discussed by the VR UCM, the AS UCM, and other relevant university-wide structures in accordance with the internal regulations.

  1. The workplace (department) is elementary level. In the field of education, it is represented by the management of the department - the head of the department, the deputy head of the department, and the person in charge of the education agenda (clerk/coordinator, etc.) in accordance with the applicable organisational structure of the department.

For each SP, a group of 5 persons is designated to provide the profile subjects of the SP, including the person with the main responsibility for the quality and development of the SP. The responsibilities, competencies, powers, and activities of this group shall be defined by the relevant general regulations.

Horizontal-level structures in the field of education primarily ensure the creation and evaluation of policies, structures, and processes through which UCM continuously monitors and periodically evaluates educational activities, assesses and approves the creation, modification, implementation, and cancellation of SPs, and proposes measures to the vertical level structures to improve the quality and development of education at UCM.

  1. The Internal Quality Evaluation Board of the UCM (hereinafter referred to as "RVHK") is the university-wide structure for quality assurance of education at UCM. The RVHK is an independent advisory body to the Rector. The composition, competences, responsibilities, and powers of the RVHK are defined in the Statute of the RVHK and the Rules of Procedure of the RVHK. For the assessment of the education agenda, the RVHK establishes temporary working groups in accordance with the Principles for the Establishment of the List of Assessors and Temporary Working Groups at the RVHK at UCM.
  2. The UCM Division Quality Board (hereafter referred to as the "UCM Division RK") is a structure for quality assurance of higher education at the UCM Division level with the participation of stakeholders. The UCM Division RK is an independent advisory body to the person responsible for the UCM Division (Dean/Director). The composition, responsibilities, competencies, powers, procedures, and rules for the selection of stakeholders in the UCM Division RK are defined in the Statutes of the UCM Division RK.
  3. Study Programme Board (hereafter referred to as the "RSP") is a structure for quality assurance of higher education at the level of the department with the participation of stakeholders. The RSP is the body for monitoring, designing, adapting, and developing the SP. The composition, responsibilities, competencies, powers, procedures, and rules for the selection of stakeholders in the RSP are defined in the Statutes of the RSP at UCM. Each third-level study programme is monitored and evaluated by the relevant Field of Study Committee for Doctoral Studies (hereinafter referred to as the "OK"). The responsibilities, competencies, powers, procedures, and rules for the selection of stakeholders in the OC are defined in the Directive on UCM Doctoral Studies.

The VSK UCM processes ensuring the quality and development of education at UCM are managed by the relevant structures according to the applicable policies (laws, decrees, regulations, statutes, regulations, codes, directives, guidelines, measures, orders, procedures, and rules). The processes of the VSK UCM ensuring the quality and development of education at UCM are carried out on the principles of independence, impartiality, objectivity, professionalism, transparency, and fairness, with respect for confidentiality and protection of personal data in legally defined cases and situations.

The processes of VSK UCM ensuring the quality and development of education at UCM are:

The creation, modification, and approval of study programmes (SP) are defined in the Directive on the Creation, Modification, and Approval of SP and OHIK and the submission of applications to SAAVS. The creation and modification of the SPs shall be proposed by the RSP in accordance with the Statutes of the RSP. The assessment of SP is carried out by the RK of the UCM division in accordance with the Statute of the RK of the UCM division. The assessment and approval of the SP are subsequently carried out by the RVHK in accordance with the Statutes of the RVHK, the Rules of Procedure of the RVHK, and in accordance with the Principles for the Establishment of the List of Assessors and the DPS at the RVHK at UCM. The assessment of SP is carried out according to the Methodological Guideline for Periodic Assessment of SP.

The creation, modification, and approval of the SP are in accordance with the Qualification Framework of the Slovak Republic and the EU, the system of SO in the Slovak Republic, in the case of the relevant SP also the Act on Regulated Professions and Government Regulation No. 296/2010 Coll. on Regulated Health Professions.

The fulfilment of the SAAVS standards for the study programme is demonstrated by the Report on the fulfilment of the standards and criteria for the SP at UCM, which is prepared by the relevant DPS and discussed by the RVHK. Compliance with the principles of standardised creation, modification, and approval of SP at UCM is also guaranteed by other internal regulations, more detailed in the VHS of the respective SP. Authorisation to implement SP at UCM is granted by the Rector of UCM based on a proposal from the RVHK.

More details VHS VSK UCM, part VS 3.

Within the framework of lifelong education of citizens, UCM in Trnava organises adult and senior education for graduates of secondary schools and universities within the framework of the "University of the Third Age". The education is intended for the population who are interested in expanding and supplementing their knowledge or acquiring practical skills and who have reached the age of 45. The studies are organised in accordance with Act No 131/2002 Coll. on Higher Education and Amendments and Additions to Certain Acts, as amended, and under Act No 568/2009 Coll. on Lifelong Learning and Amendments and Additions to Certain Acts, as amended. In addition, innovative training programmes are also provided as part of the training of teaching staff and professional staff. The conditions for the provision of this training are laid down in Act No 138/2019 Coll. on pedagogical and professional staff and amendments and supplements to certain acts.

More details VHS VSK UCM, part VS 6.

The Rector or a person authorised by him/her, at the Faculty the Dean or a person authorised by him/her, appoints a thesis supervisor or a supervisor in the doctoral study programme and opponents to the student with the assignment of the thesis. The names of the supervisors and the thesis topics for which applications may be submitted in the admission procedure shall be announced by the dean of the faculty concerned at least two months before the last day for the submission of applications for doctoral studies. The rules and procedures concerning the approval of thesis supervisors and thesis supervisors are defined in the Directive on the Requirements of Theses, their Bibliographic Registration, preservation and access at UCM, and the Directive on Doctoral Studies.

More details VHS VSK UCM, part VS 4.

Student assessment is carried out following the rules defined in the Study Regulations (§ 15). Each course of study has clearly defined forms and methods of assessment of learning outcomes with clearly defined criteria, rules, and conditions for passing the course, which allow students to obtain feedback on the extent and level of learning outcomes achieved. The criteria, rules, and conditions for which a student receives an assessment are set out in the course information sheet. The provision of recommendations and guidance on the learning process is considered a standard didactic practice of the teacher at UCM, linked to the assessment process. According to § 15 par. 12 of the UCM Study Regulations, every student has the right to be informed about the marking of his/her written examination, about errors, and correct solutions.

More details VHS VSK UCM, part VS 4.

Ongoing monitoring of study programmes is carried out annually. Indicative indicators for the evaluation of standards according to the SAAVS Methodology for the Evaluation of Standards are monitored in the framework of the periodic evaluation of study programmes. The RVHK periodically evaluates the quality and compliance with the standards for study programmes issued by SAAVS of each study programme being implemented. The periodicity of the evaluation is identical to the standard length of the study programme under review. The rules and procedure for periodic evaluation of study programmes at UCM are defined by the Directive on the Creation, Modification, and Approval of Study Programmes, Fields of the Habilitation Proceedings and the Inauguration Proceedings and the Submission of Applications to the SAAVS at UCM, the Methodological Guideline for Periodic Evaluation of Study Programmes at UCM in Trnava, the Principles for the Establishment of the List of Evaluators and Temporary Working Groups at the RVHK at UCM and other related internal regulations of UCM. The periodic evaluation of a study programme is carried out by a temporary working group established by the RVHK, where the assessor - member of the temporary working group is a member of the RVHK, an external expert, a practitioner (employer's representative), a student, and/or a graduate. The application for evaluation and approval of the study programme is accompanied by the accreditation file of the SP and other documented information on the modifications and approval of the SP at the VSK UCM. The evaluation of the SP results in a Report on the fulfilment of the Standards and Criteria of the SP at UCM and a resolution of the RVHK on the proposal to the Rector of UCM to grant/not to grant internal accreditation to carry out the SP at UCM. The SP at UCM is carried out based on the granting of internal accreditation by the Rector of UCM in the following academic year. The monitoring and evaluation of each programme of study include obtaining feedback from relevant stakeholders. The results of the feedback evaluation and the actions taken as a result of the programme evaluation are communicated to the stakeholders and made publicly available (SP implementation website, SP evidence by UCM, minutes of the meeting). According to the Internal Regulation of the University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava No. 18/2021 Collection of relevant feedback from stakeholders, students as internal stakeholders give feedback (questionnaires) at least once a year. The feedback is collected by the Curriculum Board with the aim of obtaining a minimum 30% success rate of feedback. The periodic evaluation of the curricula shall include the proposal of measures to address shortcomings. The measure may be a modification of the study programme.

More details VHS VSK UCM, part VS 10.

Stakeholders designated by the person responsible for the study programme or its integral part shall also participate in the creation of a new SP or its modification following the Directive on the Creation, Modification, and Approval of SP and OHIKs and Submission of Applications to SAAVS. In accordance with the Directive on the creation, modification, and approval of study programmes, habilitation and inauguration proceedings, and application to the SAAVS, a proposal for the creation of a new SP shall include a list of at least five stakeholders who participate in its creation, including the identification of their needs and expectations. At least three stakeholders are employers, at least one is a student and at least one is a graduate.

More details VHS VSK UCM, part VS 3.

The receipt and handling of questions, statements, opinions, requests, suggestions, and complaints from students are carried out in accordance with the Directive for the Handling of Questions, Statements, Opinions, Requests, Initiatives, and Suggestions at UCM and the Guidelines for the Handling of Complaints at UCM. The basic principles for dealing with complaints are: transparency, accessibility, objectivity, sensitivity, the integrity of information, accuracy, timeliness, capability, and competence. The authorised personnel to receive complaints are: the Rector of UCM, Deans of Faculties, and Directors of Institutes. The body for dealing with suggestions is the Committee for dealing with questions, comments, opinions, requests, suggestions, and proposals at individual faculties and institutes. The Committee shall be established by the Dean of the Faculty or the Director of the Institute and shall normally have an odd number of members. The Committee may ask the UCM Controller for cooperation in dealing with complaints. The University Controller shall be the body responsible for dealing with complaints from employees of the Rectorate or third parties.

More details VHS VSK UCM, part VS 4.

Student-centred learning, teaching, and assessment in accordance with the relevant principles are guaranteed in particular by the UCM Study Regulations and the UCM Scholarship Regulations. The flexibility of trajectories and individualisation of studies according to the needs of the student are regulated by distance learning and individual study plans. Motivation to study, the connection between education and the student's creative activity is ensured by specific instruments, in particular, by the Student's scientific and professional activities, the student's scientific force, more credits, the Fund for the Promotion of Science and Research at UCM, the minimum indicators of the creative activity of the teacher at UCM, the part of cooperation with students, the Directive on Doctoral Studies, the parts of the creative activity and scientific work. Evaluation of teaching, students, and teachers is carried out by both students and teachers as part of the periodic evaluation of the quality of teaching. Teacher evaluation is also carried out by the employer. Both students and teachers shall comply with the relevant codes of ethics, disciplinary regulations, and related internal regulations of UCM. Students are familiarised in advance with all relevant information on studies, SPs, subjects, teachers, conditions, forms, and methods of learning, teaching, and assessment (AIS, information sheet of the subject, timetable of studies, other guidelines for students and teachers). The needs of students with specific needs, from socially disadvantaged backgrounds or from abroad are catered for by the relevant UCM departments through the relevant internal regulations.

More details VHS VSK UCM, part VS 4.

Each member of the academic community is obliged to observe academic honesty in the process of teaching, research, artistic creation, or other creative activity. UCM rejects on its campus any form of humiliation and discrimination based on ethnic origin, nationality, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, physical handicap, social origin, or property status. The Code of Ethics of the University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava regulate the rules in more detail.

The UCM Ethics Committee is a university-wide structure in the field of ethics and integrity. Its activities, responsibilities, competencies, and powers are defined in the Statute of the UCM Ethics Committee and the Rules of Procedure of the Ethics Committee. The Ethics Committee is an advisory body to the Rector.

The principles, rules, and procedures for observing academic ethics and scientific integrity in the case of UCM students are also defined in the UCM Student Code of Ethics. The Disciplinary Regulations for UCM Students provide for the handling of offences and violations. The relevant structure is the UCM Disciplinary Committee and the Faculty Disciplinary Committee. The Disciplinary Committees carry out their activities according to the Rules of Procedure of the Disciplinary Committee for UCM Students and the Rules of Procedure of the Disciplinary Committees at UCM divisions.

More details VHS VSK UCM, part VS 6.

UCM supports the internationalisation of educational, creative, and other related activities. It is mainly provided in the form of mobility (ERASMUS+ mobility abroad). The implementation of mobility by teachers is supported, monitored, and evaluated through the Guidelines on the minimum criteria for creative activities of teachers at UCM according to the functional classification (assistant professor, associate professor, professor). The processes are ensured in particular by the Directive on Domestic Business Trips and Travel Allowances, the Directive on Foreign Business Trips, and the Directive on Erasmus+ Programme Administration.

More details VHS VSK UCM, part VS 2.

UCM is a public university that operates based on multi-source financing, the principal source of which is the state budget subsidy. UCM uses the methodology approved by the AS UCM to distribute the state budget subsidy to its organizational divisions. In addition to the state budget, UCM and its divisions also receive additional - non-subsidized resources (tuition fees, fees for further education, educational and research domestic and foreign projects, accommodation fees, rents, etc.). Issues related to the economic and financial area - resources, management, and disposal of property are regulated by internal regulations Directive on the Registration and Disposal of Property, Directive on the Exercise of Financial Control, Plan for the Circulation of Accounting Documents, Principles of Business Activities at UCM, Directive on the Use of Official Motor Vehicles, Directive on the Use of Official Mobile Phones, Directive on Tuition Fees and Fees Associated with Studies and others.

UCM owns 4 buildings and leases 3 more. UCM has its own University Science and Creative Park mostly concentrated in two buildings. UCM monitors and reviews the efficiency and use of technical support services available to students (internet, photocopying services, etc.). UCM secures and effectively combines resources to support student learning from earmarked state subsidy funds and grant projects. UCM has information systems in place to monitor the quality of education. Based on the results of questionnaires on the availability and quality of information and material resources for studies, UCM regularly takes appropriate measures to improve it. All lecture rooms and classrooms of UCM are provided with information technology necessary for education (computer, laptop, data projector). UCM actively promotes the link between research and study by creating specialised centres and thus creates conditions for the functioning of the University Park (UCM Science and Art Centre). Access to information resources, library collections, and services is provided by the Information Resources Centre. Tutoring activities and support for students in study issues are provided by a study advisor or study coordinator according to § 5 of the UCM Study Regulations. To ensure student mobility, the Rector of UCM appoints a university coordinator from among the university teachers. His/her task is to methodically guide the interaction with the relevant Study Departments and the UCM International Relations Office in sending and receiving students and to provide them and the public with information on study opportunities and advisory services in matters of study. Students have the opportunity to participate in leisure activities organised by the University. The University supports students in the field of dance (folklore university ensemble Trnafčan), singing (University Choir UniTTy), amateur acting (University Amateur Theatre THE.ART.RE), radio broadcasting (Radio Aetter), television broadcasting (FMK TV), literary expression (Parazól magazine, Atteliér magazine), sports (Hit UCM - university women's first league volleyball team). Social security support at UCM Trnava is implemented through the allocation of scholarships. The basic principles and procedures for the allocation of scholarships are defined in the UCM Scholarship Regulations.

More details VHS VSK UCM, part VS 7.

The qualitative requirements for teachers and their selection are defined by the Principles of the Selection Procedure for Filling the Positions of University Teachers, Researchers, Professors, and Associate Professors and Senior Staff at UCM and the Criteria for Filling the Positions of Professor and Associate Professor at UCM. Teachers' educational and creative activity is defined by the UCM Work Regulations, the Directive on Minimum Indicators of Teacher's Creative Activity at UCM according to his/her Functional Classification (assistant professor, associate professor, professor), the Directive on the Evaluation of Creative Activity and the Quality Assurance and Development Requirements of the SO in which the activity is to be carried out. The distribution of the teacher's workload, structure, and character takes into account the needs of the workplace of the SP implementation, the specifics, and practices of the SP within which the SP is implemented, and the teacher's position, rights, and obligations.

For more details see VHS VSK UCM, part VS 6.

The admission procedure at UCM is carried out in accordance with the UCM Admission Procedure Regulations, the course of study in accordance with the UCM Study Regulations, and the UCM Study Schedule. UCM recognises education following the Directive on the Recognition of Study Courses and the Directive on the Recognition of Educational Documents at UCM. Academic degrees are awarded by UCM under the legislation in force and documents of education following the Directive on the Issuing of Documents of Graduation at UCM.

All information for applicants is available in the section Admissions  of the University's website.

More details VHS VSK UCM, part VS 5.

Information on SP, studies, and students is collected in the Academic Information System. Collected information about the educational process, research and artistic activities, international activities, and the management of the university are in other UCM information systems. For the purpose of their use in the effective strategic, tactical and operational management of the implementation and development of study programmes, creative activities, and other related activities of UCM, this information is analysed and evaluated annually through evaluation and self-assessment reports. (See Periodic Quality Assessment.) Through the self-assessment reports, UCM systematically monitors the indicators defined by the structure of the above-mentioned reports and annual reports. At the same time, as part of the periodic evaluation, the VSK UCM monitors indicative indicators at UCM and UCM faculties to evaluate the fulfilment of the SAAVS standards. UCM publishes on its website or the websites of its divisions the information on study programmes at least to the extent of Article 10 of the SAAVS Standards for a study programme. Support in obtaining information for persons with disabilities is provided at UCM through the Support Centre for Students with Specific Needs.

More details VHS VSK UCM, part VS 8 and 9.

UCM has published all relevant information about education that is easily accessible to applicants, students, staff, and external stakeholders.

Published information on education for applicants, students, staff, and external stakeholders is also easily accessible by individual UCM divisions (faculties/institutes) and departments where individual study programmes are carried out.

Information on the implementation, modification and periodic evaluation of the SP and OHIK is publicly and easily accessible.

Information about study programmes

The receipt and handling of questions, comments, views, requests, suggestions, and complaints (hereinafter referred to as 'complaints') from students, staff, and other stakeholders are ensured at UCM through relevant policies, structures, and processes. The basic principles are accessibility, competence, professionalism, fairness, and transparency. UCM's basic policies on complaints are the VSK UCM Directive and the UCM Directive on the handling of inquiries, representations, opinions, requests, suggestions, and proposals at UCM. The basic structures of UCM in the field of suggestions are the Rector, the UCM Controller, the Bursar, the Dean/Director, and the Head of the Department. The bodies for dealing with and handling suggestions are the Committees for dealing with questions, comments, opinions, requests, suggestions, and proposals at individual faculties and institutes.

All members of the UCM academic community are obliged to comply with the requirements, rules, and principles of the UCM Code of Ethics. The UCM Code of Ethics requires adherence to the highest ethical standards for academic institutions of the university type in all their activities in accordance with the requirements of the International Association of Universities (IAU), the Slovak Rectors' Conference, the relevant standards of the SAAVS and other generally binding and internal regulations of UCM.

The UCM Ethics Committee is a university-wide structure in the field of ethics and integrity. Its activities, responsibilities, competencies, and powers are defined in the Statute of the UCM Ethics Committee and the Rules of Procedure of the Ethics Committee. The Ethics Committee is an advisory body of the Rector.

The principles, rules, and procedures for observing academic ethics and scientific integrity in the case of UCM students are also defined in the UCM Student Code of Ethics. The Disciplinary Regulations for UCM Students provide for the handling of offences and violations. The relevant structure is the UCM Disciplinary Committee and the Faculty Disciplinary Committee. The Disciplinary Committees carry out their activities according to the Rules of Procedure of the Disciplinary Committee for UCM Students and the Rules of Procedure of the Disciplinary Committees at UCM divisions.

Specific tools for ethics and integrity in the UCM student environment are:

  • study courses in each SP focused on research ethics and methodology and the conception of theses and other theses,
  • a doctoral proseminar on academic ethics and scientific integrity, provided by the Vice-Rector for Science for first-year doctoral students,
  • uploading the final and qualification theses to the Central Register of Final Theses, assessment of possible compliance by the committee for the defence of the respective thesis,
  • use of the Original (Urkund) system for matching and other related activities.

UCM is a free and democratic institution. The creation, modification, approval, and implementation of policies are in accordance with the legislation in force in the Slovak Republic, in particular the Law on Higher Education, the Law on Quality, relevant SAAVS standards, other legislative norms of general binding force, and internal regulations of UCM. The basic internal regulations in the field of protection of students' rights and freedom of criticism are the UCM Work Regulations, the UCM Code of Ethics, the UCM Study Regulations, the UCM Code of Ethics for UCM Students, the UCM Disciplinary Regulations for UCM Students, the UCM Admissions Regulations, the UCM Directive on Doctoral Studies, the UCM Guideline on Equal Treatment and Protection from Discrimination - Gender Equality, and others.

Students' rights are also defined in the statutes, rules of procedure, and other internal regulations of those policies, structures, and processes in which they have rights of participation, expression, evaluation, assessment, proposal, and approval. These are relevant areas of education, creative activity, and other related activities. (For more information, see the section on Cooperation and Stakeholders. )

Education and creative activity are closely interlinked at UCM. A teacher at UCM carries out educational activities in close connection with his/her own creative activity (scientific, research, or artistic activity). The teacher shall involve the student, especially the third-level student, appropriately and effectively in his/her own creative activity. A UCM student has the right to participate in the creative activity of UCM in the sense of applying the principle of student-centered education, including his/her participation in basic and applied research and its outputs, to be prepared for practice in connection with graduation to the greatest extent possible. UCM supports students' creative activity through appropriate policies, structures, and resources.

The linking of education and creative activity through the involvement of the student in the creative activity of the teacher is ensured at UCM primarily by the Directive on the minimum criteria for the creative activity of the teacher at UCM according to the functional classification (assistant professor, associate professor, professor), the Directive on Doctoral Studies at UCM and the demonstration of the contribution of the outputs of the teacher's creative activity in the development of the SP in the implementation of which he/she participates, especially through the outputs of creative activity (section on contribution) and the information sheet of the course (section on recommended reading). In addition, also through the requirements for student involvement, especially 3rd-level students, in the projects, are formulated directly in the project applications.

UCM also supports its creative activity of students, especially 3rd-level students, mainly through the UCM Science and Research Support Fund, whose activities are defined by the Fund's Statute, and the results are published on the UCM website and the websites of UCM divisions, and the Institute of Student Scientific Power, which is regulated by the Student Scientific Power Directive.

The most widespread form of mobility for UCM students (and teachers) is ERASMUS+ mobility abroad. The conditions, criteria, and procedures for the selection of applicants, implementation, and recognition of mobility are set out in the relevant documents and implemented by the relevant structures.

Furthermore, at UCM, these are mobility supported by SAIA and other, individual mobility, implemented through other sources or individual scholarships awarded by the deans.

The primary legal and implementation framework is created by UCM's contractual cooperation with partners.

UCM also supports student mobility through the recognition of completed courses and the recognition of studies outside UCM. Specific care for international students at UCM. UCM also supports the mobility of 3rd-level students through the conditions for doctoral studies formulated in the UCM Doctoral Studies Directive.

The implementation of mobility by teachers is supported, monitored, and evaluated through the Guidelines on Minimum Criteria for Creative Activities of Teachers at UCM according to their functional classification (assistant professor, associate professor, professor). The processes are ensured in particular by the Directive on Domestic Business Trips and Travel Allowances, the Directive on Foreign Business Trips, and the Directive on the Administration of the Erasmus+ Programme.

(For more information, see the section on Cooperation and Stakeholders. )

AR - Academic Year
AS - Academic Senate
CAF - Common Assessment Framework 
- Temporary Working Groups
ESG - European Standards for Higher Education
FF - Faculty of Arts
FMK - Faculty of Mass Media Communication
FPV - Faculty od Natural Sciences
FSV - Faculty of Social Sciences
FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
IM - Institute of Management
KR - Rector's Board
OHIK - Field of Habilitation Proceedings and Inauguration Proceedings
RSP - Study Programme Board
RK - Quality Board
RVHK - Internal Quality Evaluation Board
SAAVS - Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education
SR - Board of Trustees
SO - Field of Study
SP - Study Programme
UCM - University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava
VHS - Internal Evaluation System
VP - Internal Regulation
VR - Scientific Board
VSK - Internal Quality System
VSK VHS - Internal Evaluation Report of the Internal Quality System
VUPCH - Scientific-Artistic-Pedagogical Characteristics

Stránka bola naposledy upravená a aktualizovaná 27. January 2023