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Creative activity

Linkage to education, requirements of social practice, support of excellence

Creative activity is a research activity, development activity, artistic activity, or other creative activity at UCM that is relevant to the mission of UCM, especially concerning the goals and outcomes of education.

Creative activity at UCM is carried out and evaluated in accordance with clear principles:

  • the output of creative activity has a high level of originality,
  • the rigorousness of the output of the creative activity is significant,
  • the impact reach of the creative output is clear and relevant,
  • the level of the creative output is at least B,
  • the creation of the creative activity output is in line with the specificities and practices of the relevant SO and the OV,
  • the creation of the creative output complies with ethical and legal standards,
  • the output of the creative activity and its creation is linked to education,
  • the creative activity, including the creation of the output of the creative activity, involves the student appropriately and effectively, in particular the third-level student,
  • the student has the right to participate in the creative activity within the means of the application of the principle of student-centred education, including his/her participation in basic and applied research and its outputs, to be prepared as far as possible for practice in connection with the completion of studies,
  • the quality and quantity of creative activity at the UCM are specified and defined by the relevant internal regulations both at the level of UCM and at the level of the UCM division, according to the customs and specifics of the respective SO and OV and according to the work and functional assignment of teachers and other creative staff,
  • the minimum criteria and indicators for the creative activity of UCM teachers and students are determined,
  • the criteria for remuneration for creative activity beyond the minimum requirements are determined,
  • criteria for identifying and promoting excellence in creative activity at the UCM are specified,
  • the UCM supports the creative activity of teachers and students through appropriate policies, structures, and resources,
  • the UCM strongly promotes a holistic approach to assessing the level of creative activity outputs and creative activity,
  • the UCM consistently adheres to the principles for the development of a quality profile of creative activity and the assessment of the level of creative activity outputs as defined in the SAAVS standards, namely: top/excellent international level (A+), significant international level (A), internationally recognized level (A-) and nationally recognized level (B), while these levels are not related to the nature or geographic scope of specific outputs or the location of the research or the location of the dissemination of the results.

Creative activity at UCM is carried out with predefined goals:

  • Fulfilling the mission and long-term goal of UCM
  • Achievement of educational objectives and outcomes in the SPs implemented at UCM.
  • Development of knowledge in scientific areas and fields of study at UCM.
  • Meeting SAAVS accreditation standards.
  • Acquisition of funds from the Ministry of Education, Science, Research, and Sport of the Slovak Republic according to the methodology of financing universities in the Slovak Republic.
  • Fulfilling the objectives of other strategic and conceptual materials of UCM.
  • Meeting the requirements of social practice.
  • Responding effectively to current trends and challenges in creative activity by obtaining financial and other resources for creative activity from domestic and international grant schemes and agencies.

The level of creative activity at UCM is monitored and evaluated within specific areas of the evaluation of the level of creative activity:

  1. the level of individual teachers and other creative staff of UCM, including PhD. students, when assessing the fulfilment of minimum indicators and criteria for creative activity,
  2. the level of the groups of teachers delivering the profile subjects of the relevant SP, including the person with lead responsibility for quality assurance and development of the SP,
  3. the level of the groups of teachers who have responsibility for the development and quality assurance of the field of habilitation proceedings and inauguration proceedings, including the person with lead responsibility,
  4. the level of teachers and other creative staff of UCM, including PhD. students, involved in the implementation of the relevant SP,
  5. the level of teachers and other creative staff, including PhD. students, working in the relevant SO, department, or UCM division,
  6. the level of teachers and other creative staff, including PhD. students, working at UCM,
  7. the level of applicants for a teaching position at UCM,
  8. the level of applicants for the post of associate professor and professor,
  9. the level of the candidate for the title of associate professor and professor,
  10. the level of the doctoral student to successfully complete his/her studies,
  11. the level of the student and the employee in remuneration (scholarship, remuneration, extra pay),
  12. the level of the individual or group in identifying and supporting excellence at UCM.

The policies of the VSK UCM for quality assurance and the development of creative activities at UCM are institution-wide. They are based on international and national standards, in particular the European Standards for Higher Education ESG 2015, the Higher Education Act and subsequent regulations, the Quality Act and subsequent regulations, the SAAVS standards for the internal system, the curriculum and habilitation and inauguration proceedings. They are in line with the UCM mission, the UCM long-term plan, and other strategic and conceptual documents of UCM. In justified cases, the internal regulations of UCM divisions are linked to the institution-wide internal regulations, in particular when the criteria are defined according to the practices and specificities of the SO and disciplines, based on institution-wide indicators, or based on the specificities of the individual UCM divisions.

The VSK UCM structures for quality assurance and the development of creative activities at UCM are part of the integrated VSK UCM system. The powers, authority, and responsibilities of the relevant structures, including senior staff, other staff, and other stakeholders in the implementation and evaluation of creative activities at UCM are defined in the relevant internal regulations (in particular statutes, rules of procedure, organisational rules and structures, charters, directives, and procedures). The structures of the VSK UCM ensuring the quality and development of creative activity at UCM form a three-level system in both vertical and horizontal planes.

Vertical-level structures in the creative activity area are primarily responsible for the execution of policies and the implementation of relevant creative activities.

  1. The UCM Rectorate is an institution-wide structure in the field of creative activity at UCM. In accordance with the Higher Education Act, the Act on Quality Assurance, the SAAVS Standards for Internal Quality System, and the VSK UCM Guidelines, the person responsible for policies, structures, and processes in the field of quality assurance of creative activity at UCM is the Rector. His/her powers, responsibilities, and competencies in the field of quality assurance of creative activity at UCM are defined in the UCM Statutes, the Statutes of the RVHK UCM, the Rules of Procedure of the RVHK UCM, and the Directive on the Evaluation of Creative Activity at UCM. The field of quality of creative activity at UCM is primarily concentrated in the Vice-Rector for Science and Research and the Department of Science and Research in the UCM Organisational Regulations, in accordance with Article 36 of the UCM Statutes. The administrative, self-governing, academic, and advisory bodies of UCM with university-wide competence in the field of quality of creative activity at UCM according to the powers, responsibilities, and competencies defined by the internal regulations are in particular:

The competence, powers, competencies, and responsibilities of the Bursar and other UCM employees in the field of quality assurance of creative activities at UCM are regulated by the Higher Education Act, the UCM Statute, and other internal regulations.

The relevant agenda of the institutes as university-wide divisions of UCM is discussed by the VR UCM, the AS UCM, and other relevant university-wide structures in accordance with the internal regulations.

  1. The division of UCM (faculty/institute) is a lower-level structure. In the field of creative activity, the person responsible for the quality of creative activity is the dean/director. His/her powers, responsibilities, and competencies in the field of quality assurance of creative activity at the UCM division are defined in the UCM Statute, the UCM Division Statute, and the Directive on the Evaluation of Creative Activity.

The area of creative activity at UCM is primarily concentrated in the department of the Vice-Dean for Science/Director in charge of creative activity and the relevant department/staff in the area of creative activity. Continuous monitoring and periodic evaluation of the quality of creative activity at the UCM division is part of the agenda of the Vice-Dean for Quality and the Quality Department or the person responsible for the quality agenda at the UCM division. Continuous monitoring and periodic evaluation of the creative activity of students, in particular 3rd-level students, is part of the agenda of the Vice-Dean for Science and the Science Department, or the person responsible for the science agenda at the UCM division.

The following are the self-governing, academic, and advisory bodies of UCM with competence at the level of the UCM division in the field of quality of creative activity according to the powers, responsibilities, and competencies defined by the internal regulations:

  • Academic Senate of the Faculty,
  • Scientific Board of the Faculty,
  • Dean’s Board/Director’s Board,
  • other advisory bodies and committees of the Dean/Director.

The relevant agenda of the institutes as university-wide divisions of UCM is discussed by the VR UCM, the AS UCM, and other relevant university-wide structures in accordance with the internal regulations.

  1. The workplace (department) is elementary level. In the field of creative activity, it is represented by the management of the department (head of the department, deputy head of the department), a clerk/coordinator/designee in the department in terms of the valid organizational structure of the department.

Horizontal-level structures in the field of creative activity primarily ensure the creation and evaluation of policies, structures, and processes through which UCM continuously monitors and periodically evaluates creative activity and propose measures to vertical-level structures to improve the quality and development of creative activity at UCM.

  1. The Internal Quality Evaluation Board of the UCM (hereinafter referred to as “RVHK”) is the university-wide structure for quality assurance of education at UCM. The RVHK is an independent advisory body to the Rector. The composition, competencies, responsibilities, and powers of the RVHK are defined in the Statute of the RVHK and the Rules of Procedure of the RVHK. For the assessment of the education agenda, the RVHK establishes temporary working groups in accordance with the Principles for the Establishment of the List of Assessors and Temporary Working Groups at the RVHK at UCM.
  2. The UCM Division Quality Board (hereafter referred to as the “UCM Division RK”) is a structure for quality assurance of higher education at the UCM Division level with the participation of stakeholders. The UCM Division RK is an independent advisory body to the person responsible for the UCM Division (Dean/Director). The composition, responsibilities, competencies, powers, procedures, and rules for the selection of stakeholders in the UCM Division RK are defined in the Statutes of the UCM Division RK.
  3. Study Programme Board (hereafter referred to as the “RSP”) is a structure for quality assurance of higher education at the level of the department with the participation of stakeholders. The RSP is the body for monitoring, designing, adapting, and developing the SP. The composition, responsibilities, competencies, powers, procedures, and rules for the selection of stakeholders in the RSP are defined in the Statutes of the RSP at UCM. Each third-level study programme is monitored and evaluated by the relevant Field of Study Committee for Doctoral Studies (hereinafter referred to as the “OK”). The responsibilities, competencies, powers, procedures, and rules for the selection of stakeholders in the OC are defined in the Directive on UCM Doctoral Studies.

The processes of the VSK UCM for quality assurance and development of creative activities at UCM are managed by the relevant structures according to the applicable policies (laws, decrees, regulations, statutes, regulations, codes, directives, guidelines, measures, orders, procedures, and rules). The processes of the VSK UCM ensuring the quality and development of creative activity at UCM are carried out on the principles of independence, impartiality, objectivity, professionalism, transparency, and fairness, with respect to confidentiality and protection of personal data in cases and situations defined by law.

  1. Implementation of creative activities at UCM by teachers, scientific and research workers, and students, especially in the third level of study, in the sense of fulfilling the requirements for creative activities defined by the relevant internal regulations of UCM.
  2. Continuous monitoring and periodic evaluation of creative activity by area and assessment period:
    • evaluation of the level of creative activity of groups of persons responsible for quality and development in accordance with the requirements of SAAVS and internal regulations of UCM, in particular the Directive on the evaluation of creative activity at UCM,
    • evaluation of the level of creative activity of groups of persons providing profile subjects of the SP, including the person bearing the main responsibility for the quality and development of the SP in accordance with the requirements of SAAVS and the internal regulations of UCM, in particular, the Directive on the evaluation of creative activity at UCM,
    • evaluation of the level of creative activity of teachers, scientific and research staff of UCM in accordance with the internal regulations of UCM, in particular the Directive on the evaluation of creative activity at UCM,
    • evaluation of the level of creative activity of groups of teachers, scientific and research staff of UCM according to the areas of assessment (SPs, SOs, scientific fields, scientific areas, departments, divisions of UCM, UCM), in accordance with the internal regulations of UCM, in particular the Directive on the evaluation of creative activity at UCM,
    • evaluation of the fulfilment of minimum indicators of creative activity at UCM according to the functional classification of the employee,
    • evaluating creative activity beyond the minimum indicators in order to reward creative activity.
  3. Demonstrating the level of criteria for evaluating the fulfilment of the conditions for obtaining the title of associate professor and the title of professor at UCM.
  4. Determining the overall quality profile for the relevant assessment area.

Creative activity at UCM is registered in the university system of registration of publishing activity Dawinci, the Central Register of Registration of Publication Activity, the Central Register of Registration of Artistic Activity, the Evidence of Projects at UCM, individually in Scientific-Artistic-Pedagogical Characteristics (VUPCH), on the website of the faculty/department. The most significant outputs are on the UCM and UCM division website. Selected outputs are also registered in professional databases WoS, Scopus, and others.

Other than publications or artistic outputs of creative activities and projects are recorded in the annual evaluation reports on creative activities at the UCM division and UCM.

Creative activity is continuously monitored and evaluated annually, including the proposal of measures for its improvement, at the level of UCM divisions (Report on the scientific research activities of the faculty) and the university-wide level (Report on the scientific research activities at UCM).

Adoption and control of the implementation of measures to improve the quality of creative activity at UCM is the competence and responsibility of the Rector and the Vice-Rector for Science and Research, the VR UCM, the RVHK, at the level of UCM divisions the Dean of the Faculty/Director of the Institute and the Vice-Dean for Science/Person in charge of creative activity, the VR of the Faculty, the RK of the UCM division. The activity is recorded in the minutes of the meetings of the Rector´s  Collegium, VR UCM, RVHK UCM, Dean´s Board/Director´s Board, VR of the faculty, and the RK of the UCM division.

AR – Academic Year
AS – Academic Senate
CAF – Common Assessment Framework 
– Temporary Working Groups
ESG – European Standards for Higher Education
FF – Faculty of Arts
FMK – Faculty of Mass Media Communication
FPV – Faculty od Natural Sciences
FSV – Faculty of Social Sciences
FZV – Faculty of Health Sciences
IM – Institute of Management
KR – Rector’s Board
OHIK – Field of Habilitation Proceedings and Inauguration Proceedings
RSP – Study Programme Board
RK – Quality Board
RVHK – Internal Quality Evaluation Board
SAAVS – Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education
SR – Board of Trustees
SO – Field of Study
SP – Study Programme
UCM – University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava
VHS – Internal Evaluation System
VP – Internal Regulation
VR – Scientific Board
VSK – Internal Quality System
VSK VHS – Internal Evaluation Report of the Internal Quality System
VUPCH – Scientific-Artistic-Pedagogical Characteristics