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Internal Quality Evaluation Board

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Transparency, fairness, expertise, objectivity, and independence

The UCM Internal Quality Evaluation Board(hereinafter referred to as the “RVHK”) is the primary structure of the internal quality assurance system for higher education at UCM. The RVHK is a special independent academic body of UCM monitoring, evaluating, and approving the processes of the internal quality assurance system for higher education at UCM.

RVHK is established by the Rector of UCM. The RVHK is an advisory body to the Rector of UCM. The RVHK proposes to the Rector of UCM the adoption of measures and decisions. The RVHK is established based on the UCM Statute. The powers, responsibilities, and competencies of the RVHK are defined in the Statute of the RVHK UCM.

The activities of the RVHK shall be managed by the Chairperson of the RVHK. The activities of the RVHK are organised by the Secretary of the RVHK in cooperation with the Vice-Rector for Quality and the Quality Department. The tasks of the RVHK are systematically and continuously planned by the schedule of activities of the RVHK and by the operational requests of the Rector of UCM.

The activities of the RVHK are mainly:

  1. comprehensive assessment of the quality of educational and creative activities and other related activities carried out at UCM,
  2. assessing the compliance of the VSK UCM with the SAAVS standards for the internal system,
  3. consideration of proposals for the creation, modification, and cancellation of study programmes and fields of study for habilitation and inauguration at UCM,
  4. periodic evaluation of the quality of study programmes and disciplines of the habilitation and inauguration proceedings and their compliance with the SAAVS standards for the study programme and for the habilitation proceedings and proceedings for the appointment of professors,
  5. periodic and non-periodic evaluation of the quality of educational and creative activities and other related activities at UCM,
  6. monitoring, evaluating, and proposing measures to improve UCM’s educational and creative activities and other related activities,
  7. preparation of an annual report on the activities of the RVHK and quality at UCM, which is submitted to the Rector of UCM and discussed by the VR UCM and the AS UCM.

The activities of the RVHK are recorded in the minutes of the meetings.
Schedule of the activities of the RVHK.

RVHK is composed of prominent experts in the field of educational and creative activities and other related activities carried out at UCM. Each faculty of UCM is represented by at least two members. Each UCM Institute is represented by at least one member. UCM students are represented by at least two members. Scientific research or professional or social practice shall be represented on the RVHK by at least three members. As a rule, the representation shall be from the practice in those fields of study in which study programmes or fields of habilitation and inauguration are carried out at UCM. The composition of the RVHK  is defined in the Statute of the RVHK.

Depending on the areas of assessment, the RVHK establishes temporary working groups. Temporary working groups are usually established by the RVHK from persons registered in the List of Assessors at the RVHK at UCM and members of the RVHK. The procedures, rules, and criteria for the establishment of the List of Assessors and temporary working groups are defined in the Principles for the Establishment of the List of Assessors and Temporary Working Groups at the RVHK UCM.

The activities of the members of the RVHK and the temporary working groups are remunerated in accordance with the internal rules.

In its activities, the RVHK is guided by the relevant legislative standards and internal regulations according to the area of assessment: education, creative activities, other related activities, and VSK.

Legislative standards and internal regulations in the field of education:

  • SAAVS Standards for the Study Programme
  • UCM Internal Regulation No. 35/2021: Directive on the Creation, Modification, and Approval of Study Programmes, Fields of the Habilitation Proceedings and the Inauguration Proceedings and the Submission of Applications to the SAAVS,
  • UCM Internal Regulation No. 5/2022: Methodological Guideline for Periodic Evaluation of Study Programmes at the University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava
  • Internal Regulation of the UCM No. 6/2021: Methodological Guideline for Periodic Evaluation of Habilitation and Inauguration Proceedings at the University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava
  • UCM Internal Regulation No. 50/2021: Principles for the Establishment of the List of Assessors and Temporary Working Groups under the Internal Quality Assessment Board at UCM
  • Guideline of the Rector of UCM No. 3/2021 for the designation of the person having the lead responsibility for the quality and development of SP and OHIK and the creation of groups of persons providing profile subjects of SP and the quality and development of OHIK at UCM

Legislative norms and internal regulations in the field of creative activities:

Legislative standards and internal regulations on other related activities:

  • Ethics Committee
  • Disciplinary Board
  • Commision for Gender Equality
  • Accommodation Committee
  • Career Centre
  • Spiritual Counselling Centres
  • Psychological counselling
  • Counselling and legal centre for students with specific needs and from socially disadvantaged backgrounds
  • Information Resource Centre and Centre for Information and Communication Technologies

Legislative standards and internal regulations in the field of VSK, in particular:

AR – Academic Year
AS – Academic Senate
CAF – Common Assessment Framework 
– Temporary Working Groups
ESG – European Standards for Higher Education
FF – Faculty of Arts
FMK – Faculty of Mass Media Communication
FPV – Faculty od Natural Sciences
FSV – Faculty of Social Sciences
FZV – Faculty of Health Sciences
IM – Institute of Management
KR – Rector’s Board
OHIK – Field of Habilitation Proceedings and Inauguration Proceedings
RSP – Study Programme Board
RK – Quality Board
RVHK – Internal Quality Evaluation Board
SAAVS – Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education
SR – Board of Trustees
SO – Field of Study
SP – Study Programme
UCM – University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava
VHS – Internal Evaluation System
VP – Internal Regulation
VR – Scientific Board
VSK – Internal Quality System
VSK VHS – Internal Evaluation Report of the Internal Quality System
VUPCH – Scientific-Artistic-Pedagogical Characteristics